Guitar Music Online, iss.1 "Sang aus Norden"

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The world-wide web is every musician's treasure box. In particular, it gives free and easy access to a huge part of the historical repertoire. In this context, genuine rarities are few and have become increasingly valuable. Yet the pressure on music publishers from the giant wave of digital reproduction has made them re-evaluate the risks of issuing material for a very small clientele. This is where Guitar Music Offline comes in: giving access to some of the remaining rarities of the guitar repertoire to those who do not wish to limit themselves to the mainstream of internet diffusion and who appreciate the feel of real paper just as much as the quality of a devoted publisher's work. Every copy is hand assembled and signed by the publisher.

Edited by Stefan Hackl.

Sheet music: 8 pages

1st edition (2015)

ISBN: 978-2953886825

7.50 €